
Enhance your Smile with Veneers

If you have discolored, mishapen or crooked teeth, you may consider veneers as a way to hide your teeth and restore a natural-looking, confidence boosting smile.

Veneers are ultra-thin pieces of porcelain or plastic which are cemented over the front of your teeth, providing a natural appearance of straight and clean teeth.

Are veneers right for you?  Schedule a Free Consultation at our dental practice and speak to one of our dentists to discuss your options.

Common questions about veneers

How long do veneers last? – Porcelain can last from 10-20 years depending on level of care.

How thick are veneers? – Typically less than 0.5mm.

What types of veneer are available? – Veneers can be made from porcelain, composite metal or both.

How Veneers Work

Following a consultation with your dentist to determine if they are right for you, your teeth must be prepared to hold the veneer.  During this process a thin layer of enamel will be removed so that the veneer can be attached to it, accounting for the small added thickness. The procedure should not cause pain, as you should be given a local anesthetic.  When the teeth are prepared your dentist will take an impression of your mouth.  A temporary cover may be placed over your tooth while the veneer is being prepared.  Once the veneer is prepared it will be attached and adjusted to your teeth as necessary.  

You should then care for your new veneers as you would your teeth normally.  With proper care porcelain veneers can last one or two decades.