Sleep Apnea

Find Solutions to Your Sleep Apnea Issues

Does your spouse complain about your snoring each night? Do you find that you wake in the night, have a headache when you wake, or are tired during the day? For those suffering with Sleep Apnea – you’re not alone. It is estimated some 18-20 million Americans suffer with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

Dentists Role in Treating Sleep Apnea

If you think you are suffering with sleep apnea, your dentist may be able to help. After an oral examination, your dentist can recommend appliances that help to lessen obstruction to your airways. Oral applications are suitable for mild to moderate sleep apnea; they work by repositioning the tongue and lower jaw forward so that the airways are opened up more.

CPAP Machines

If you suffer with sleep apnea or are repeatedly reminded of your loud snoring you may have heard of a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine. This is a common and widely accepted treatment for sleep apnea, but it is not for everyone. Some people consider CPAP machines to be invasive and more problematic over oral appliances. Really it comes down to the individual and if you have concerns one of your first stops should be to see your dentist.