How To Take Care Of Your Dental Implants? 

Dental implants are structures (medical devices) surgically implanted into the jaw to provide support for artificial teeth. This is done to restore a person’s ability to chew and speak and their appearance. However, in order to have a beautiful some and get the full benefits of dental implants, you should take good care of your implants.  

Basically, you should keep your teeth clean and free of plaque and bacteria that can cause problems. Peri-implantitis is an infectious disease that causes a destructive inflammatory process in soft tissues and bone loss around an implant.  If peri-implantitis develops, it can result in implant loss. So, you must start your dental implant care from the day you get them. Some easy and effective ways to care for your dental implant include: 

Post-Surgery care 

Dental implants may take up to six months to completely heal. However, when dental implants are not treated well, the healing period can be much longer. After your dental implant surgery, consume only soft foods for the first week. Do not consume hot foods and liquids or anything too spicy. Do not smoke, and keep your tongue and fingers away from the surgical site. Do not use a straw for drinking.  

It is also recommended that you avoid alcohol for the first couple of days after the surgery because alcohol can hinder the healing process and make the recovery slow. You may start rinsing the next day very gently, using warm salt water. You may also start brushing the next day while avoiding the surgical site. Follow your dentist’s instructions carefully because care instructions may vary depending on various factors.  

General advice for care and maintenance of dental implants  

Clean twice a day 

You need to take care of your dental implants just like your natural teeth. Brush them twice a day and floss them every day. When flossing, pay special attention to the base of your implant and carefully remove any accumulated debris. Regular brushing for 2 minutes twice a day removes bacteria and plaque that can cause dental issues. 

Use a soft-bristled brush 

After getting implants, you should switch to a soft-bristled nylon brush. These brushes are gentle on your implants. Brushes with hard bristles can scratch the surface of your implants. Use the right brushing techniques to ensure that you clean even the hard-to-reach areas in your mouth. 

Avoid abrasive oral hygiene products. 

Abrasive products can damage your implants, so you should choose a low-abrasive toothpaste. All ordinary toothpaste brands are highly abrasive because they are formulated to remove dental stains and plaque. However, this abrasiveness can damage the enamel and dental implants. Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash and avoid chlorine and bleach cleansers, as they can weaken your implants. It is also recommended that you avoid very strongly flavored toothpaste and mouthwash as they can cause discomfort. 

Avoid hard and sticky foods 

Hard food can damage or even break your implants. Sticky food can stick around your implants and allow the build-up of plaque. So, avoiding foods such as candies, carrots, caramel, potato chips, and other hard and sticky foods is best. Very hot foods and drinks can also cause damage.  

Dental Implants require routine dental check-ups 

Once you have had implants, you should visit your dentist regularly. It is recommended that you get your dental check-ups done every six months. See your dentist immediately if you have any concerns regarding your implants or are experiencing any pain, discomfort, or trouble chewing.  

At Katz family dental, we provide the best dental implant services. Get in touch with our team if you are looking for implants. If you already have one, we will carry out your routine checkups and provide detailed guidelines on how to take the best care of them.